Monday, June 27, 2011

something new...

Why a new blog? It is something I had been thinking about for a while. Don't we all need a change sometimes? It was either this or go buy a new purse, and my family already think I have too many purses.

One reason is the name needed to be changed at our old blog. It had been snyderfamilyfun4, and well we are now 5 Snyders.

Also this blog is more than just Family Fun, it is about me (Joy) and who I am. Or trying to be. As a mom we get caught up in our families and we lose ourselves. I know what I like to do, but finding the time to do them is another story. And this is where I hope to tell that story.

There is also a season for everything (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8) and this is a season for change.